Introduction to Spiritual Theology

Module No.



Intermediate Level

There is a longing in the heart of every human person to be connected - to nature, to oneself, to others and most of all to the source of one's being - the divinity. Saint Augustine aptly said, "Our hearts are restless until they rest in you". Spirituality shows us the way how different persons and movements make this connection with the divine. The word 'spirituality' is not a biblical term. The nearest we have in the Bible would be 'life in the spirit' (Rom. 8:14; Gal. 5:14). What we are referring to by the term spirituality is the life style shining through a person as a result of him/her being connected to the Divine. This module does not intend to deal with any one of the well-known spiritualities in particular, but to introduce some of them to students so that they may choose any spirituality for their further study depending on their interest and liking. Following are some of the subjects covered within the module: Spirituality of the OT, Spirituality of the NT, Spirituality of the Early Church, Didache and St. Ignatius of Antioch. Fuga Mundi spirituality, Monasticism, Spiritualities of the Franciscans and the Dominicans, Counter-Reformation Spiritualities: Ignatius of Loyola, Theresa of Avila and Mysticism.

What you'll learn
